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pátek 26. 1. 2018, 19:45 - 20:15
Mirror Man, zrcadlový muž volil prezidenta ČR.
VIDEO: Volit přišel i Mirror Man. Performer se musel odhalit
26.01. 21:00 ' Autor: ČTK
Na teplickém gymnáziu večer vhodil svůj hlas do urny performer Stanislav Müller. Přišel v originální zrcadlové kombinéze se zrcadlovou holí. Masku si před komisí musel kvůli identifikaci sundat. Mirror Manem, tedy zrcadlovým mužem, je Müller od roku 1995, kdy vznikl stejnojmenný umělecký projekt.
Muž, který kráčel do volební místnosti za doprovodu novinářů a dalších voličů, byl zrcadly pokryt od hlavy až k patě. Kombinéza se skládá z několika tisíců zrcadlových geometrických ploch různých rozměrů a tvarů, pokrývající celou postavu.
Volební komisi příchod muže nezaskočil. "Aha, to je Mirror Man," poznamenala jedna z členek. Další si však nepřála přítomnost novinářů ve třídě a snažila se je vykázat. Nakonec zasáhl předseda volební komise, který povolil focení.
Performer v Teplicích žije, objevuje se na uměleckých festivalech po Evropě i jinde ve světě a někdy nečekaně v kombinéze vystoupí. "Sundat masku jsem si musel, když jsem se ženil," řekl. Jinak svou tvář neodhaluje. V kombinéze, jejíž obléknutí trvá zhruba dvacet minut, prý vydrží zhruba dvě hodiny. "K volbám jsem přišel, protože to považuji za občanskou povinnost," řekl. "K tomu, abych si obléknul kombinézu vždy potřebuji nějaký výrazný impulz, politicky se neangažuji, ale tyto volby jsou tím impulzem," uvedl.
Foto: ČTK , Hájek Ondřej
Autor: ČTK

Mirror Man in Japan / 2012 - 2016
Mirror Man in NEW GLASS REVIEW 38 / 2017
Mirror Man in Czech / from 2016

pf 2017 アケオメ /akeome/
statement 6/2015
The Mirror Man is a long term, multimedia art project of Stanislav Muller.
It was founded in 1995. The following year he took place the first public entry of the Mirror Man in
the real environment. In 1997, the of the Mirror Man presented in the thesis of Stanislav Muller at
AAAD in Prague in the studio glass Prof. Vladimir Kopecky in the form of video installations.
From 1996 to the present, all activities within the project documented on video, digital photography
and other media, by Radka Mullerova.
The project of the Mirror Man is real (true, glass), mirror figure created for the purpose of
assimilation - the inclusion of virtual characters that reflect real life environments to life. The
Mirror Man character was created by incentives and spectacular effects of social phenomena that
characterizes the overproduction of luxury.
Visualization, inspiration and materialization of light, as a source of art and life of man in society.
Needless to say, the Mirror Man not imitate any of comic characters. The Mirror Man naturally goes
through different environments and situations is a real human, behaves naturally and trying to
"blend in with the environment,".
In addition, unannounced, spontaneous performances the Mirror Man has collaborated with various
artists and he has appeared on many international exhibitions and art festivals throughout Europe
and elsewhere in the world, in the context of artistic, commercial and alternative activities.
Since 2012, the original the Mirror Man active in Japan.
The original mirrored overalls and suits since 1995, there are five variants, including various
accessories. Each consisting of 2 to 5-thousand mirrored geometric surfaces of different shapes and
sizes, covering the whole figure the Mirror Man.
The last fifth version of the Mirror Man visually based on the geometry of the "hexagon", which
occurs most frequently in nature / see. hexagon honeycomb, the stems of plants, crystals, rocks ... /.
This repeating shape in the surface at the same time allows bending movements in all directions.
Hexagon - HEXAGON in a traditional Japanese culture used as a decorative element and ancestral
The current the Mirror Man (hexagon) contains 2,600 pieces of mirror strength 2mm overall suit
weighs 25 kg without any additional "proprieties" / pilgrim stick, a farmer's hat, suitcase ... /.The project Mirror Man is after 2000 (especially after the performance at the Prague Quadrennial of
Scenography and Performance Design at the biggest world event that explores scenography area in
its entirety - from the performing arts, through costume, lighting and sound design to a new stage
design approaches such as site specific, applied scenography, street performances, a costume
performance, and many others.), internationally active in various forms, through other independent authors and imitators.
Mirror Man - www.facebook.com/mirrorman1st